Keynote - Betty H.C. Cheng

Betty H.C. Cheng

(17:25-18:25) "Applying Model-Driven Requirements Engineering to Manage Uncertainty for High-Assurance Self-Adaptive Systems: Lessons Learned and Research Challenges"
This presentation will overview several research projects that explore how model-driven requirements engineering can been used to model, analyze, and mitigate uncertainty arising in three different aspects of high-assurance autonomous systems. First, uncertainty about the physical environment can lead to suboptimal, and sometimes catastrophic, results as the system tries to adapt to unanticipated or poorly-understood environmental conditions. Second, uncertainty in the cyber environment can lead to unexpected and adverse effects, including not only performance impacts (load, traffic, etc.) but also potential threats or overt attacks. Finally, uncertainty can exist with the components themselves and how they interact upon reconfiguration, including unexpected and unwanted feature interactions. Each of these sources of uncertainty can potentially be identified and mitigated at design time and run time. Based on a number of collaborative projects involving industry applications, we share lessons learned and identify research challenges to applying model-driven requirements engineering to address uncertainty posed by the changing roles of humans, computers, and their collective ecosystem.

Betty H.C. Cheng is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. Her research interests include self-adaptive systems, requirements engineering, model-driven engineering, automated software engineering, automotive cybersecurity, improving robustness and resiliency of learning-enabled systems, and search-based software engineering. These research areas are used to support the development of high-assurance autonomous systems that must continuously deliver acceptable behavior, even in the face of environmental and system uncertainty. Example applications include intelligent transportation and vehicle systems. She works extensively with industrial collaborators to explore research techniques for specifying and managing uncertainty in high-assurance systems.

Her research has been funded by several federal funding agencies, including NSF, ONR, DARPA, NASA, AFRL, ARO, and numerous industrial organizations. She is an Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, having previously served two terms on the editorial board. She also serves on the editorial boards for Requirements Engineering Journal and Software and Systems Modeling. She was the Technical Program Co-Chair for IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-2013), the premier and flagship conference for software engineering.

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